Rated Sheathing: Roofing

Support Spacing for 21.5 mm Rated Sheathing Panel

General info: APA rated OSB Sheathing has a bond durability classification of Exposure 1 as not for exterior use. Panels have one surface with an overlay, texturing or grooving. Creating the tongue, the panel width reduces by approximately 12.5 mm (1/2”), so net width may be 1,206mm (47.5 in)
Bending strength  – stress applied parallel to strength axis: N/A
Bending strength  – stress applied perpendicular to strength axis: N/A
Bending stiffness – stress applied parallel to strength axis: N/A
Bending stiffness – stress applied perpendicular to strength axis: N/A
Span rating/support spacing: Roof-60
Thickness/US Performance Category*: 21.5mm (min 21.11mm; max 23.34mm); (7/8)*

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